Chava Labs

Breeders of Purebred Labradors.

Dogs Australia

Dogs Australia is the formal national registration body for all purebred dogs in Australia and have formed breed standards for every pure breed of dog, which describe the ideal characteristics, temperament, appearance and soundness of each breed.






Dogs Queensland

Also known as the Canine Control Council of Queensland is our state governing body representing owners and breeders of purebred dogs in Queensland. They are a State Member Body of Dogs Australia. Dogs registered with Dogs Australia (ANKC), on any register (limited or main), can compete in dog sports. The best way to get involved with a dog sport is through a Dogs Queensland affiliated club, for example, your local dog obedience club.

According to their purpose, dogs are grouped into one of seven groups – Labradors are Gundogs (also known as retrievers and Group 3).

Labrador Retriever Club of Queensland

In 1964, during a championship show at Ipswich Mrs Norah Gilbert suggested to a small gathering of Labrador breeders, owners and exhibitors that the CCCQ would approve the affiliation of a Labrador Club in Queensland and plans were immediately put in place to gather members and to develop the first Club constitution.

From these humble beginnings the club today boasts membership not only in Queensland but throughout Australia and overseas.

Working Gundog Association of Australia
Retrieving Australia
InSync Pet Training
Brisbane Area

Redefine Canine
Gladstone Area

Ultimate K9
South East Queensland
Get Woof'd
South East Queensland
Jordan Dog Training
Brisbane Area
Lone Star
Gold Coast Area
Think Canine
Toowoomba Area
Brisbane North
Clear Canine
Brisbane North
Canine Classroom
Brisbane / Sunshine Coast
International Gundog League
Raw Food Feeding for Dogs
International Group
Canine Enrichment
International Group
Retrieving Queensland
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